Keywords: Memory, Time, Intimacy, Space, Latin-American Poetry.
Forme dell’Ariditá
Carlos Katan
Spanish | Italian
Translated from the Spanish by Silvio Mignano
Foreword by Silvio Mignano
Paperback | 96 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Hoy la memoria
ensancha la intimidad
del pasillo
de mi infancia.
- Carlos Katan
“In this work aridity is not only an image but rather a precisely formal interest: the laconic, minimalist language constitutes a strategy for formalizing a drought which shows a certain porosity with our historical present.”
Winner of the Third Annual Poetry Competition organized by Lugar Común and the Embassy of Italy in Venezuela (2018)
Carlos Katan (Caracas, 1992). Graduate in Philosophy from the Universidad Central de Venezuela. He has published the book Impercepciones (2011). His poems, reviews, and articles have been published in several media.