Keywords: Experience, Incisive, Migration, Love, Eroticism, International Poetry.
Legna Rodríguez Iglesias
Translated from the Spanish by Robin Myers
Foreword by Reina María Rodríguez
Hardcover | 186 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Paperback | 186 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 inches
What I do with poetry is cover up the shit.
I cover and cover it. With my hands. With my feet.
Like a cat that ignores you.
- Legna Rodríguez Iglesias
From the very beginning, in the poems excerpted from Chicle, Legna doesn’t try to trick anyone with subterfuge: “who ever said I was interested in anything at all.” Or “with the emotional ties that were my lot / I tied my shoes, never to return.” In order to refuse to become what’s expected, what others want her to be. In order to return not just to a place, but to a determination: that of an unruly little girl who defies a gesture as common as tying her shoelaces; a clear route along a risky, zigzagging path.
- Reina María Rodríguez
Legna Rodríguez Iglesias (Camagüey, 1984). Writer. She's the author of the columns Irrelevante in the digital magazine El Estornudo and 53 Noviecitas in Hypermedia Magazine. She's a recognized author with several significant prizes, such as the Paz Prize, 2016; the Premio Casa de Las Américas, 2016; and the Premio Iberoamericano de Cuentos Julio Cortázar, 2011. Her books are available in translation into English, German, Italian, and Portuguese.